Fediverse.Radio is a hub for amateur radio operators and communities on the Fediverse.
What is the Fediverse? Find our more at fediverse.info and fedi.tips
Mastodon Servers
Mastodon is for "Microblogging" - short messages called "toots".
Mastodon.Radio is a space for the Amateur (Ham) Radio community, anyone interested in Shortwave Listening (SWL), etc. Come join us and talk radio, technology, and more!
Hosted in the UK 🇬🇧
Participates in the fediverse.radio relay
A home on the Fediverse for Amateur Radio operators.
Hosted in the USA 🇺🇸 (California)
Participates in the fediverse.radio relay
Server für deutsche Funkamateure und alle die was mit Funk Empfang oder Sendung zu tun haben.
Hosted in Germany 🇩🇪
Participates in the fediverse.radio relay
Hallo auf amateurfunk.social Dies ist eine deutschsprachige Mastodon-Instanz für Funk- und Technikbegeisterte zum tröten, neue Leute kennenlernen, sich auszutauschen und Spass zu haben.
Hosted in Germany 🇩🇪
Managed in Switzerland 🇨ðŸ‡Participates in the fediverse.radio relay
Mostly amateur radio focused, software engineering, whatever!
Hosted in the USA 🇺🇸 (Texas)
Participates in the fediverse.radio relay
Hier tröten Mitglieder, Ortsverbände, Distrikte und Referate des DARC
Hosted in Germany 🇩🇪
Participates in the fediverse.radio relay
Dieser Server kann von Mitgliedern des Deutschen Amateur Radio Club e. V. (DARC) genutzt werden.
Other Fediverse services
There's more than just Mastodon! These services offer something different, but still use the same network and can talk to each other.
A lemmy (link aggregation and discussion forum) instance for amateur radio enthusiasts to use.
Hosted in the USA 🇺🇸 (Linode in Dallas, Tx)
Miscellaneous other services
Fediverse.Radio runs a WebRing (remember those?)
Maybe you'd like to have a look, or join? ring.fediverse.radio
XMPP (aka Jabber)
If you have a mastodon.radio account you also have an XMPP account, check xmpp.mastodon.radio to get started, and joinJabber.org for more general information.
If you're using a device without Google (e.g. LineageOS with MicroG) you might find getting notifications impossible without leaving apps running all the time. One solution is UnifiedPush, and you can use ntfy.fediverse.radio as the server, if you want.
The translation service on mastodon.radio is powered by LibreTranslate, but you can use it for general stuff too. translate.fediverse.radio.
Up Down Status
Not sure if it's down for you or everyone? Most of the services are monitored and you can see their status at status.fediverse.radio.